For our interview, we felt it specific to our research to interview the very users who participate in the act of cleaning. Hearing from people who either use the Roomba currently, used the Roomba in the past and now no longer use the technology, was important for us to decipher how the sociological and the technology parts fit together. In addition to interviewing current and past users, we also interviewed someone who still uses a broom to clean, and the sociological aspect behind her process for doing so. We wanted to understand more fully why each person uses the technology they use, to clean. In this video, you will find three very different and unique profiles of users, who explain why now with an automated technology such as the Roomba, they either use it or choose to use other technologies. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the show!
Grace Chimezie
Mary-Margaret- “Hi, Grace. Please say your name to the camera.”
Grace- “My name is Grace Chimezie.”
Why do you use the broom to clean?
Basically our culture is very different and in Nigeria, we kind of have a more dusty situation. We use hard brooms that are kind of plucked by hand to sweep the house. Because we believe brooms actually sweep better than any technology or equipment that you want to bring into the house.
Is there a sociological side behind using a broom?
I mean the only idea or stories that I remember after being a social thing is when I was in high school, we had like positions given to us, like plots of lands we have to clean and sweep. And there we had come in groups to do that. What I means is interaction that sweeping together you felt more fun to use brooms to sweep than like others.
Would you be interested to buy a technology like Roomba?
Definitely. Being a millennial, I think thats what they call it, being a younger generation, different from my parents, like being exposed to what technologies can do, and knowing that I have a lot of things to do and swiping isn’t one of the tasks I want to take up my time, it would definitely be something I would consider using.
Fred Ji
Fred- “OK. My name is Fred Ji. I am a first year grad student in Georgetown University at CCT program.”
What essentially made you to get a Roomba?
I technically didn’t get it. My dad has it. And, I technically still own it, to be honest, but I just don’t use it as much as I used to.
Why did you stop using it?
One of the very big drawbacks of Roomba, is its just really difficult to clean the corners of furniture and stuff, we have a lot of places just that the round robot cannot get into, so we just thought you know what, probably just going to use the broom instead.
If someone gave you a new version for free, would you use it instead of the old version?
That really depends on what update the new version has. I mean I got this one from my dad, was about a year ago, so its not very old, so I don’t know. I don’t really think its necessary for me to get another cleaning device for this purpose.
Now you can control the new version of Roomba by using your phone as a remote, is that attractive?
Not necessarily, because one of the functions my Roomba has right now is you can set up a time when you want to clean up the room every day at 9AM when your at work. It does do that. I don’t feel its a very practical functionality that I would want to add to it, yea.
Tasha Troy
Tasha- “OK, my name is Tasha Troy, and I am a faculty member here at the Georgetown University, School of Continuing Studies.”
Why did you get a Roomba and why are you still using it?
I bought it because I have two cats, and between two cats, myself having long hair, there is a lot of hair in my house, and it just made it a really easy way to manage just the hardwood floors in my house. So that was the primary motivation and I’m still using it today, in fact about a month or two ago I bought new wheels to put on it, and replaced a couple of parts because it’s such a valuable part of my household.
Do you think there’s a social aspect to cleaning your house by using a Roomba?
I find that I begrudge the time needed for household chores and just household maintenance and having a Roomba makes it just much that simpler. I am actually considering buying one of the Roomba mopping units because that would make real nice compliment to my Roomba!
Do you think the Roomba places the vacuum? And would you ever get rid of the Roomba?
It replaces the necessity to clean the floor. It’s not perfect, it doesn’t get the corners you know. So there are still elements that I have to do myself… and there are other parts of housekeeping that the Roomba doesn’t cover. It doesn’t dust my shelves, it doesn’t take out the trash, it doesn’t wash the dishes or anything. But it does take care of one piece that has to be taken care of, daily. The only reason I would have to get rid of the Roomba is if I had a housekeeper who is doing all of the other chores, in addition to taking care of the floor.